Recentni naučni radovi
- N. Memić and S. Sadiković, “Maximal operators and characterization of hardy spaces,” Analysis mathematica, vol. 46, iss. 1, p. 119–131, 2020.
[Bibtex]@article{memic2020maximal, title={Maximal operators and characterization of Hardy spaces}, author={Memi{\'c}, N and Sadikovi{\'c}, S}, journal={Analysis Mathematica}, volume={46}, number={1}, pages={119--131}, year={2020}, publisher={Springer} }
- R. Vugdalić, “Examples of group $exp(tA)$ ($t\in \mathbb{R}$) of $2×2$ real matrices in case matrix a depends on some real parameters,” Balkan journal of applied mathematics and informatics, vol. 3, iss. 1, p. 55–62, 2020.
[Bibtex]@article{bjami, author = {Ramiz Vugdali{\' c}}, title = { EXAMPLES OF GROUP $exp(tA)$ ($t\in \mathbb{R}$) OF $2x2$ REAL MATRICES IN CASE MATRIX A DEPENDS ON SOME REAL PARAMETERS}, journal = {Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, pages = {55--62}, url = {} }
- R. Vugdalić, “Groups of operators in $\mathbb{C}^2$ determined by some cosine operator functions in $\mathbb{C}^2$,” Balkan journal of applied mathematics and informatics, vol. 3, iss. 1, p. 63–72, 2020.
[Bibtex]@article{bjami, author = {Ramiz Vugdali{\' c}}, title = { GROUPS OF OPERATORS IN $\mathbb{C}^2$ DETERMINED BY SOME COSINE OPERATOR FUNCTIONS IN $\mathbb{C}^2$}, journal = {Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, pages = {63--72}, url ={} }
- M. Garić-Demirović, S. Moranjkić, M. Nurkanović, and Z. Nurkanović, “Stability, neimark–sacker bifurcation, and approximation of the invariant curve of certain homogeneous second-order fractional difference equation,” Discrete dynamics in nature and society, vol. 2020, 2020.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2020stability, title={Stability, Neimark--Sacker Bifurcation, and Approximation of the Invariant Curve of Certain Homogeneous Second-Order Fractional Difference Equation}, author={Gari{\'c}-Demirovi{\'c}, Mirela and Moranjki{\'c}, Samra and Nurkanovi{\'c}, Mehmed and Nurkanovi{\'c}, Zehra}, journal={Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society}, volume={2020}, year={2020}, publisher={Hindawi} }
- A. Rekić-Vuković and N. Okičić, “Another look at the continuity of moduli of noncompact convexity,” Palestine journal of mathematics, vol. 9, iss. 2, p. 771–778, 2020.
[Bibtex]@article{rekic2019another, title={ANOTHER LOOK AT THE CONTINUITY OF MODULI OF NONCOMPACT CONVEXITY}, author={Reki{\'c}-Vukovi{\' c}, Amra and Oki{\v{c}}i{\'c}, Nermin}, journal={Palestine Journal of Mathematics}, volume={9}, number={2}, pages={771--778}, year={2020} }
- M. Kulenovic, M. Nurkanovic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Global dynamics of certain mix monotone difference equation via center manifold theory and theory of monotone maps,” Sarajevo j. math., vol. 15, iss. 2, p. 129–154, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2019global, title={Global dynamics of certain mix monotone difference equation via center manifold theory and theory of monotone maps}, author={Kulenovic, MRS and Nurkanovic, M and Nurkanovic, Z}, journal={Sarajevo J. Math.}, volume={15}, number={2}, pages={129--154}, year={2019} }
- T. F. Ibrahim and Z. Nurkanović, “Kolmogorov-arnold-moser theory and symmetries for a polynomial quadratic second order difference equation,” Mathematics, vol. 7, iss. 9, p. 790, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{ibrahim2019kolmogorov, title={Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser Theory and Symmetries for a Polynomial Quadratic Second Order Difference Equation}, author={Ibrahim, Tarek F and Nurkanovi{\'c}, Zehra}, journal={Mathematics}, volume={7}, number={9}, pages={790}, year={2019}, publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute} }
- E. Duvnjaković, N. Okičić, and V. Pasic, “Cubic spline as global approximate solution of the semilinear reaction-diffusion problem.,” Journal of modern methods in numerical mathematics, vol. 10, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{duvnjakovic2019cubic, title={Cubic spline as global approximate solution of the semilinear reaction-diffusion problem.}, author={Duvnjakovi{\'c}, Enes and Oki{\v{c}}i{\'c}, Nermin and Pasic, Vedad}, journal={Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics}, volume={10}, year={2019} }
- S. Karasuljić, H. Zarin, and E. Duvnjaković, “A class of difference schemes uniformly convergent on a modified bakhvalov mesh,” Journal of modern methods in numerical mathematics, vol. 10:1-2, p. 16–35, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{karasuljic2018class, title={A class of difference schemes uniformly convergent on a modified Bakhvalov mesh}, author={Karasulji{\'c}, Samir and Zarin, Helena and Duvnjakovi{\'c}, Enes}, journal={Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics}, volume={10:1-2}, pages={16--35}, year={2019} }
- E. Barakovic, V. Pasic, and others, “Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap,” Classical and quantum gravity, vol. 36, iss. 14, p. 143001, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{barack2019black, title={Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap}, author={Barakovic, Elvis and Pasic, Vedad and others}, journal={Classical and quantum gravity}, volume={36}, number={14}, pages={143001}, year={2019}, publisher={IOP Publishing} }
- M. Garic-Demirovic, S. Hrustic, and M. Nurkanovic, “Stability and periodicity of certain homogeneous second-order fractional difference equations with quadratic terms,” Advances in dynamical systems and applications, vol. 14, iss. 2, p. 149–178, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2019stability, title={Stability and Periodicity of Certain Homogeneous Second-Order Fractional Difference Equations with Quadratic Terms}, author={Garic-Demirovic, Mirela and Hrustic, Sabina and Nurkanovic, Mehmed}, journal={Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications}, volume={14}, number={2}, pages={149--178}, year={2019} }
- R. Vugdalić and S. Halilović, “Cosine operator functions in $\mathbb{R}^2$.,” Gulf J. Math., vol. 7, iss. 1, p. 29–44, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{zbMATH07070461, Author = {Ramiz {Vugdali\'c} and Sanela {Halilovi\'c}}, Title = {{Cosine operator functions in $\mathbb{R}^2$.}}, FJournal = {{Gulf Journal of Mathematics}}, Journal = {{Gulf J. Math.}}, ISSN = {2309-4966/e}, Volume = {7}, Number = {1}, Pages = {29--44}, Year = {2019}, Publisher = {Canadian University of Dubai, Dubai (UAE)}, Language = {English}, MSC2010 = {15A24 47D09} }
- S. HRUSTIC, M. KULENOVIC, S. MORANJKIC, and Z. NURKANOVIC, “Global dynamics of perturbation of certain rational difference equation,” Turkish journal of mathematics, vol. 43, iss. 2, p. 894–915, 2019.
[Bibtex]@article{hrustic2019global, title={Global dynamics of perturbation of certain rational difference equation}, author={HRUSTIC, SABINA and KULENOVIC, MUSTAFA and MORANJKIC, SAMRA and NURKANOVIC, ZEHRA}, journal={Turkish Journal of Mathematics}, volume={43}, number={2}, pages={894--915}, year={2019}, publisher={The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey} }
- M. R. Kulenovic, S. Moranjkic, M. Nurkanovic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Global asymptotic stability and Naimark-Sacker bifurcation of certain mix monotone difference equation,” Discrete dynamics in nature and society, vol. 2018, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2018global, title={Global Asymptotic Stability and {N}aimark-{S}acker Bifurcation of Certain Mix Monotone Difference Equation}, author={Kulenovic, Mustafa RS and Moranjkic, S and Nurkanovic, M and Nurkanovic, Z}, journal={Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society}, volume={2018}, year={2018}, publisher={Hindawi} }
- S. Karasuljic, E. Duvnjakovic, and E. Memic, “Uniformly convergent difference scheme for a semilinear reaction-diffusion problem on a Shishkin mesh,” Advances in mathematics: scientific journal, vol. 7, iss. 1, p. 23–38, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{karasuljic2018uniformly, author={Karasuljic, Samir and Duvnjakovic, Enes and Memic, Elvir}, title={Uniformly Convergent Difference Scheme for a Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problem on a {S}hishkin Mesh}, journal={Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal}, volume={7}, number={1}, year={2018}, pages={23--38}, url={}, }
- S. Sadikovic, “Determination of a jump by conjugate Fourier-Jacobi series,” Filomat, vol. 32, iss. 8, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{sadikovic2018determination, title={Determination of a jump by conjugate {F}ourier-{J}acobi series}, author={Sadikovic, Samra}, journal={FILOMAT}, volume={32}, number={8}, year={2018} }
- S. Halilovic and S. Sadikovic, “The point and Rhodius spectra of certain nonlinear superposition operators,” Advances in mathematics, vol. 1, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2018point, title={THE POINT AND {R}HODIUS SPECTRA OF CERTAIN NONLINEAR SUPERPOSITION OPERATORS}, author={Halilovic, Sanela and Sadikovic, Samra}, journal={Advances in Mathematics}, volume={1}, year={2018} }
- S. Sadikovic and S. Halilovic, “Some properties of the conjugate Fourier-Jacobi and Fourier-Chebyshev series,” Adv. Math., Sci. J., vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 57-64, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2018some, Author = {Samra Sadikovic and Sanela Halilovic}, Title = {{Some properties of the conjugate {F}ourier-{J}acobi and {F}ourier-{C}hebyshev series}}, FJournal = {{Advances in Mathematics. Scientific Journal}}, Journal = {{Adv. Math., Sci. J.}}, ISSN = {1857-8365; 1857-8438/e}, Volume = {7}, Number = {2}, Pages = {57-64}, Year = {2018}, }
- S. Halilovic and S. Sadikovic, “The Neuberger spectrum of a certain superposition operator,” Adv. Math., Sci. J., vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 83-88, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2018some, Author = {Halilovic, Sanela and Sadikovic, Samra}, Title = {{The {N}euberger spectrum of a certain superposition operator}}, FJournal = {{Advances in Mathematics. Scientific Journal}}, Journal = {{Adv. Math., Sci. J.}}, ISSN = {1857-8365; 1857-8438/e}, Volume = {7}, Number = {2}, Pages = {83-88}, Year = {2018}, }
- S. Kalabusic, M. Nurkanovic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Global dynamics of certain mix monotone difference equation,” Mathematics, vol. 6, iss. 1, p. 10, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{kalabuvsic2018global, title={Global dynamics of certain mix monotone difference equation}, author={Kalabusic, Senada and Nurkanovic, Mehmed and Nurkanovic, Zehra}, journal={Mathematics}, volume={6}, number={1}, pages={10}, year={2018}, publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute} }
- T. Bazdalic, V. Ramaj, S. Resic, and M. Omerovic, “Internet among students–from mathematical rationality to unreality,” Human: journal for interdisciplinary studies, vol. 8, iss. 1, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{bazdalic2018internet, title={INTERNET AMONG STUDENTS--FROM MATHEMATICAL RATIONALITY TO UNREALITY}, author={Bazdalic, Tarik and Ramaj, Vehbi and Resic, Sead and Omerovic, Maid}, journal={Human: Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies}, volume={8}, number={1}, year={2018} }
- S. Moranjkic and Z. Nurkanovic, “Local and global dynamics of certain second-order rational difference equations containing quadratic terms,” Adv. dyn. syst. appl, vol. 12, p. 123–157, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{moranjkic2017local, title={Local and Global Dynamics of Certain Second-Order Rational Difference Equations Containing Quadratic Terms}, author={Moranjkic, Samra and Nurkanovic, Zehra}, journal={Adv. Dyn. Syst. Appl}, volume={12}, pages={123--157}, year={2017} }
- M. Kulenovic, S. Moranjkic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Naimark-Sacker bifurcation of second order rational difference equation with quadratic terms,” J. nonlinear sci. appl, vol. 10, p. 3477–3489, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2017naimark, title={Naimark-{S}acker bifurcation of second order rational difference equation with quadratic terms}, author={Kulenovic, MRS and Moranjkic, S and Nurkanovic, Z}, journal={J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl}, volume={10}, pages={3477--3489}, year={2017} }
- E. Barakovic and V. Pasic, “Physical interpretation of pp-waves with axial torsion,” 14th Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{barakovic2017physical, title={Physical interpretation of pp-waves with axial torsion}, author={Barakovic, Elvis and Pasic, Vedad}, journal={14th {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting on General Relativity}, year={2017} }
- V. Pasic and E. Barakovic, “Axial torsion waves in metric-affine gravity,” 14th Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{pasic2017axial, title={Axial torsion waves in metric-affine gravity}, author={Pasic, Vedad and Barakovic, Elvis}, journal={14th {M}arcel {G}rossmann Meeting on General Relativity}, year={2017} }
- S. Karasuljic, E. Duvnjakovic, V. Pasic, and E. Barakovic, “Construction of a global solution for the one dimensional singularly–perturbed boundary value problem,” Journal of modern methods in numerical mathematics, vol. 8, iss. 1–2, p. 52–65, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{karasuljic2017global, author={Karasuljic, Samir and Duvnjakovic, Enes and Pasic, Vedad and Barakovic, Elvis}, title={Construction of a global solution for the one dimensional singularly--perturbed boundary value problem }, journal={Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics}, volume={8}, number={1--2}, year={2017}, pages={52--65} }
- S. Halilovic and R. Vugdalic, “The spectra of certain nonlinear superposition operators in the spaces of sequences,” Gulf journal of mathematics, vol. 5, iss. 2, p. 20–30, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2017spectra, title={The spectra of certain nonlinear superposition operators in the spaces of sequences}, author={Halilovic, Sanela and Vugdalic, Ramiz}, journal={Gulf Journal of Mathematics}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={20--30}, year={2017} }
- R. Vugdalic and S. Halilovic, “On general cosine operator function in Banach space.,” Adv. Math., Sci. J., vol. 6, iss. 1, p. 23–27, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{vugdalic2017general, Author = {Ramiz Vugdalic and Sanela Halilovic}, Title = {{On general cosine operator function in {B}anach space.}}, FJournal = {{Advances in Mathematics. Scientific Journal}}, Journal = {{Adv. Math., Sci. J.}}, ISSN = {1857-8365; 1857-8438/e}, Volume = {6}, Number = {1}, Pages = {23--27}, Year = {2017}, Publisher = {Saints Cyril and Methodius University (Universitetot ``Sv. Kiril i Metodij"), Skopje}, Language = {English}, MSC2010 = {47D09 39B22 39B42} }
- M. Garic-Demirovic, M. Nurkanovic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Stability, periodicity and Neimark–Sacker bifurcation of certain homogeneous fractional difference equations,” Int. j. differ. equ, vol. 12, p. 27–53, 2017.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2017stability, title={Stability, Periodicity and {N}eimark--{S}acker Bifurcation of Certain Homogeneous Fractional Difference Equations}, author={Garic-Demirovic, Mirela and Nurkanovic, Mehmed and Nurkanovic, Zehra}, journal={Int. J. Differ. Equ}, volume={12}, pages={27--53}, year={2017} }
- A. Rekic-Vukovic, N. Okicic, V. Pasic, and I. Arandjelovic, “Continuity of modulus of noncompact convexity for minimalizable measures of noncompactness,” Functional analysis, vol. 7, iss. 3, p. 39–46, 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{rekic2016continuity, title={Continuity of modulus of noncompact convexity for minimalizable measures of noncompactness}, author={Rekic-Vukovic, Amra and Okicic, Nermin and Pasic, Vedad and Arandjelovic, Ivan}, journal={Functional Analysis}, volume={7}, number={3}, pages={39--46}, year={2016} }
- M. Kulenovic, S. Moranjkic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Global dynamics and bifurcation of a perturbed Sigmoid Beverton–Holt difference equation,” Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, vol. 39, iss. 10, p. 2696–2715, 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2016global, title={Global dynamics and bifurcation of a perturbed {S}igmoid {B}everton--{H}olt difference equation}, author={Kulenovic, MRS and Moranjkic, S and Nurkanovic, Z}, journal={Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences}, volume={39}, number={10}, pages={2696--2715}, year={2016}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }
- R. Vugdalic and S. Halilovic, “A formula for $n$-times integrated $C_0$ group of operators $(n \in \mathbb{N})$.,” Adv. Math., Sci. J., vol. 5, iss. 2, p. 161–166, 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{vugdalic2016formula, Author = {Ramiz Vugdalic and Sanela Halilovic}, Title = {{A formula for $n$-times integrated $C_0$ group of operators $(n \in \mathbb{N})$.}}, FJournal = {{Advances in Mathematics. Scientific Journal}}, Journal = {{Adv. Math., Sci. J.}}, ISSN = {1857-8365; 1857-8438/e}, Volume = {5}, Number = {2}, Pages = {161--166}, Year = {2016}, Publisher = {Saints Cyril and Methodius University (Universitetot ``Sv. Kiril i Metodij"), Skopje}, Language = {English}, MSC2010 = {47D03 47D62} }
- M. Garic-Demirovic, M. Nurkanovic, and Z. Nurkanovic, “Stability, periodicity, and symmetries of certain second-order fractional difference equation with quadratic terms via kam theory,” Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, vol. 1, iss. 40, p. 306–318, 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2016stability, title={Stability, periodicity, and symmetries of certain second-order fractional difference equation with quadratic terms via KAM theory}, author={Garic-Demirovic, Mirela and Nurkanovic, M and Nurkanovic, Z}, journal={Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences}, volume={1}, number={40}, pages={306--318}, year={2016} }
- S. J. Hrustic, M. Kulenovic, and M. Nurkanovic, “Global dynamics and bifurcations of certain second order rational difference equation with quadratic terms,” Qualitative theory of dynamical systems, vol. 15, iss. 1, p. 283–307, 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{hrustic2016global, title={Global dynamics and bifurcations of certain second order rational difference equation with quadratic terms}, author={Hrustic, Sabina Jasarevic and Kulenovic, MRS and Nurkanovic, M}, journal={Qualitative theory of dynamical systems}, volume={15}, number={1}, pages={283--307}, year={2016}, publisher={Springer} }
- J. S. Hrustic, M. Kulenovic, and M. Nurkanovic, “Local dynamics and global stability of certain second-order rational difference equation with quadratic terms,” Discrete dynamics in nature and society, vol. 2016, 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{hrustic2016local, title={Local dynamics and global stability of certain second-order rational difference equation with quadratic terms}, author={Hrustic, S Jasarevic and Kulenovic, MRS and Nurkanovic, M}, journal={Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society}, volume={2016}, year={2016}, publisher={Hindawi} }
- M. Nurkanovic and Z. Nurkanovic, “Birkhoff normal forms, kam theory, periodicity and symmetries for certain rational difference equation with cubic terms,” , 2016.
[Bibtex]@article{nurkanovic2016birkhoff, title={BIRKHOFF NORMAL FORMS, KAM THEORY, PERIODICITY AND SYMMETRIES FOR CERTAIN RATIONAL DIFFERENCE EQUATION WITH CUBIC TERMS}, author={Nurkanovic, Mehmed and Nurkanovic, Zehra}, year={2016} }
- R. Vugdalic, “Integrated semigroups and once integrated group of rotation in the complex plane.,” Adv. Math., Sci. J., vol. 5, iss. 2, p. 123–129, 2016.
[Bibtex]@Article{vugdalic2016integrated, Author = {Ramiz Vugdalic}, Title = {{Integrated semigroups and once integrated group of rotation in the complex plane.}}, FJournal = {{Advances in Mathematics. Scientific Journal}}, Journal = {{Adv. Math., Sci. J.}}, ISSN = {1857-8365; 1857-8438/e}, Volume = {5}, Number = {2}, Pages = {123--129}, Year = {2016}, Publisher = {Saints Cyril and Methodius University (Universitetot ``Sv. Kiril i Metodij"), Skopje}, Language = {English}, MSC2010 = {47D62 47D03} }
- A. Rekic-Vukovic, N. Okicic, and E. Duvnjakoc, “On weightedBanach sequance spaces,” Advances in mathematics, iss. 2, p. 127–138, 2015.
[Bibtex]@article{rekic2015weighted, title={On weighted{B}anach sequance spaces}, author={Rekic-Vukovic, Amra and Okicic, Nermin and Duvnjakoc, Enes}, journal={Advances in Mathematics}, number={2}, pages={127--138}, year={2015} }
V. Pasic and E. Barakovic, “Torsion wave solutions in Yang-Mielke theory of gravity,” Advances in high energy physics, vol. 2015, 2015.
[Bibtex]@article{pasic2015torsion, title={Torsion wave solutions in {Y}ang-{M}ielke theory of gravity}, author={Pasic, Vedad and Barakovic, Elvis}, journal={Advances in High Energy Physics}, volume={2015}, year={2015}, publisher={Hindawi} }
- S. Karasuljic, E. Duvnjakovic, and H. Zarin, “Uniformly convergent difference scheme for a semilinear reaction-diffusion problem,” Advances in mathematics: scientific journal, vol. 4, iss. 2, p. 139–159, 2015.
[Bibtex]@article{karasuljic2015uniformly, author={Karasuljic, Samir and Duvnjakovic, Enes and Zarin, Helena}, title={Uniformly convergent difference scheme for a semilinear reaction-diffusion problem}, journal={Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal}, volume={4}, number={2}, year={2015}, pages={139--159}, url={} }
- E. Duvnjakovic, S. Karasuljic, V. Pasic, and H. Zarin, “A uniformly convergent difference scheme on a modified Shishkin mesh for the singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion boundary value problem,” Journal of modern methods in numerical mathematics, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 28-43, 2015.
[Bibtex]@article{karasuljic2015uniformlyconvergent, author={Duvnjakovic, Enes and Karasuljic, Samir and Pasic, Vedad and Zarin, Helena}, title={A uniformly convergent difference scheme on a modified {S}hishkin mesh for the singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion boundary value problem}, year={2015}, journal={Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics}, volume={6}, number={1}, pages={28-43}, url={[]=72} }
- M. Garic-Demirovic, M. Kulenovic, and M. Nurkanovic, “Basins of attraction of certain homogeneous second order quadratic fractional difference equation,” J. concr. appl. math, vol. 13, iss. 1-2, p. 35–50, 2015.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2015basins, title={Basins of Attraction of Certain Homogeneous Second Order Quadratic Fractional Difference Equation}, author={Garic-Demirovic, M and Kulenovic, MRS and Nurkanovic, M}, journal={J. Concr. Appl. Math}, volume={13}, number={1-2}, pages={35--50}, year={2015} }
- S. Jašarević-Hrustić, Z. Nurkanović, M. R. Kulenović, and E. Pilav, “Birkhoff normal forms, KAM theory and symmetries for certain second order rational difference equation with quadratic term,” , 2015.
[Bibtex]@article{javsarevic2015birkhoff, title={Birkhoff normal forms, {KAM} theory and symmetries for certain second order rational difference equation with quadratic term}, author={Ja{\v{s}}arevi{\'c}-Hrusti{\'c}, Sabina and Nurkanovi{\'c}, Zehra and Kulenovi{\'c}, Mustafa RS and Pilav, Esmir}, year={2015} }
- S. Halilovic and R. Vugdalic, “The rhodius spectra of some nonlinear superposition operators in the spaces of sequences,” Adv. math., sci. j, vol. 3, iss. 2, p. 83–96, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2014rhodius, title={The rhodius spectra of some nonlinear superposition operators in the spaces of sequences}, author={Halilovic, S and Vugdalic, R}, journal={Adv. Math., Sci. J}, volume={3}, number={2}, pages={83--96}, year={2014} }
- A. Rekic-Vukovic, N. Okicic, and I. Arandjelovic, “On modulus of noncompact convexity for a strictly minimalizable measure of noncompactness,” Gulf journal of mathematics, vol. 2, iss. 3, p. 38–45, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{rekic2014modulus, title={On modulus of noncompact convexity for a strictly minimalizable measure of noncompactness}, author={Rekic-Vukovic, Amra and Okicic, Nermin and Arandjelovic, Ivan}, journal={Gulf Journal of Mathematics}, volume={2}, number={3}, pages={38--45}, year={2014} }
V. Pasic and E. Barakovic, “Pp-waves with torsion: a metric-affine model for the massless neutrino,” General relativity and gravitation, vol. 46, iss. 10, p. 1787, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{pasic2014pp, title={PP-waves with torsion: a metric-affine model for the massless neutrino}, author={Pasic, Vedad and Barakovic, Elvis}, journal={General Relativity and Gravitation}, volume={46}, number={10}, pages={1787}, year={2014}, publisher={Springer} }
V. Pasic, E. Barakovic, and N. Okicic, “A new representation of the field equations of quadratic metric affine gravity,” Advances in mathematics, iss. 1, p. 33–46, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{pasic2014new, title={A NEW REPRESENTATION OF THE FIELD EQUATIONS OF QUADRATIC METRIC AFFINE GRAVITY}, author={Pasic, Vedad and Barakovic, Elvis and Okicic, Nermin}, journal={Advances in Mathematics}, number={1}, pages={33--46}, year={2014} }
- S. Halilovic and R. Vugdalic, “The Neuberger spectra of nonlinear superposition operators in the spaces of sequences,” J. int. math. virtual inst, vol. 4, p. 97–119, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2014neuberger, title={The {N}euberger Spectra of Nonlinear Superposition Operators in the Spaces of Sequences}, author={Halilovic, Sanela and Vugdalic, Ramiz}, journal={J. Int. Math. Virtual Inst}, volume={4}, pages={97--119}, year={2014} }
- M. R. Kulenović, Z. Nurkanović, and E. Pilav, “Birkhoff normal forms and KAM theory for Gumowski-Mira equation,” The scientific world journal, vol. 2014, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2014birkhoff, title={Birkhoff normal forms and {KAM} theory for {G}umowski-{M}ira equation}, author={Kulenovi{\'c}, Mustafa RS and Nurkanovi{\'c}, Zehra and Pilav, Esmir}, journal={The Scientific World Journal}, volume={2014}, year={2014}, publisher={Hindawi} }
- S. Jašarević and M. Kulenović, “Basins of attraction of equilibrium and boundary points of second-order difference equations,” Journal of difference equations and applications, vol. 20, iss. 5-6, p. 947–959, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{jasarevic2014basins, title={Basins of attraction of equilibrium and boundary points of second-order difference equations}, author={Ja{\v{s}}arevi{\'c}, S and Kulenovi{\'c}, MRS}, journal={Journal of Difference Equations and Applications}, volume={20}, number={5-6}, pages={947--959}, year={2014}, publisher={Taylor and Francis Ltd} }
- F. Destovic, R. Vugdalic, and I. Kalco, “Fokker-Planck equation as a result of connections Maxwell field equations with some stationary processes.,” Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst., vol. 4, iss. 1, p. 11–15, 2014.
[Bibtex]@Article{vugdalic2014fokker, Author = {Fatih Destovic and Ramiz Vugdalic and Ismet Kalco}, Title = {{Fokker-Planck equation as a result of connections Maxwell field equations with some stationary processes.}}, FJournal = {{Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute}}, Journal = {{Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst.}}, ISSN = {2303-4874; 1840-4367; 2303-4955/e}, Volume = {4}, Number = {1}, Pages = {11--15}, Year = {2014}, Publisher = {International Mathematical Virtual Institute (IMVI), Banja Luka}, Language = {English}, MSC2010 = {35Q84 35Q61 60J25} }
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- M. Garić-Demirović, M. R. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović, “Global dynamics of certain homogeneous second-order quadratic fractional difference equation,” The scientific world journal, vol. 2013, 2013.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2013global, title={Global dynamics of certain homogeneous second-order quadratic fractional difference equation}, author={Gari{\'c}-Demirovi{\'c}, M and Kulenovi{\'c}, Mustafa RS and Nurkanovi{\'c}, M}, journal={The Scientific World Journal}, volume={2013}, year={2013}, publisher={Hindawi} }
- S. Moranjkic and Z. Nurkanovic, “Basins of attraction of certain rational anti-competitive system of difference equations in the plane,” Advances in difference equations, vol. 2012, iss. 1, p. 153, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{moranjkic2012basins, title={Basins of attraction of certain rational anti-competitive system of difference equations in the plane}, author={Moranjkic, Samra and Nurkanovic, Zehra}, journal={Advances in Difference Equations}, volume={2012}, number={1}, pages={153}, year={2012}, publisher={Springer} }
- F. Dedagic, S. Halilovic, and E. Barakovic, “On the solvability of discrete nonlinear Hammerstein systems in $l_{p,\sigma}$ spaces,” Mathematica balkanica, vol. 26, p. 3–4, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{dedagic26solvability, title={On the solvability of discrete nonlinear {H}ammerstein systems in $l_{p,\sigma}$ spaces}, author={Dedagic, Fehim and Halilovic, Sanela and Barakovic, Elvis}, journal={Mathematica Balkanica}, year={2012}, volume={26}, pages={3--4} }
- M. Garić-Demirović, M. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović, “Basins of attraction of equilibrium points of second order difference equations,” Applied mathematics letters, vol. 25, iss. 12, p. 2110–2115, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2012basins, title={Basins of attraction of equilibrium points of second order difference equations}, author={Gari{\'c}-Demirovi{\'c}, M and Kulenovi{\'c}, MRS and Nurkanovi{\'c}, M}, journal={Applied Mathematics Letters}, volume={25}, number={12}, pages={2110--2115}, year={2012}, publisher={Elsevier} }
- M. Kulenović, O. Merino, and M. Nurkanović, “Global dynamics of certain competitive system in the plane,” Journal of difference equations and applications, vol. 18, iss. 12, p. 1951–1966, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2012global, title={Global dynamics of certain competitive system in the plane}, author={Kulenovi{\'c}, MRS and Merino, Orlando and Nurkanovi{\'c}, M}, journal={Journal of Difference Equations and Applications}, volume={18}, number={12}, pages={1951--1966}, year={2012}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis} }
- M. Kulenović and M. Nurkanović, “Global behavior of a two-dimensional competitive system of difference equations with stocking,” Mathematical and computer modelling, vol. 55, iss. 7-8, p. 1998–2011, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2012global, title={Global behavior of a two-dimensional competitive system of difference equations with stocking}, author={Kulenovi{\'c}, MRS and Nurkanovi{\'c}, M}, journal={Mathematical and Computer Modelling}, volume={55}, number={7-8}, pages={1998--2011}, year={2012}, publisher={Elsevier} }
- M. Nurkanovic and Z. Nurkanovic, “Basins of attraction of an anti-competitive discrete rational system,” Sarajevo j. math, vol. 8, iss. 21, p. 273–282, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{nurkanovic2012basins, title={Basins of attraction of an anti-competitive discrete rational system}, author={Nurkanovic, M and Nurkanovic, Z}, journal={Sarajevo J. Math}, volume={8}, number={21}, pages={273--282}, year={2012} }
- M. Kulenovic and M. Nurkanovic, “Basins of attraction of an anti-competitive system of difference equations in the plane,” Communications on applied nonlinear analysis, vol. 19, iss. 2, p. 41, 2012.
[Bibtex]@article{kulenovic2012basins, title={Basins of attraction of an anti-competitive system of difference equations in the plane}, author={Kulenovic, MRS and Nurkanovic, M}, journal={Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis}, volume={19}, number={2}, pages={41}, year={2012} }
- R. Vugdalic and F. Destovic, “About functional equation $f(st)=f(s)+f(t)$ ($s,t\in\mathbb R\setminus\{0\})$.,” Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst., vol. 2, iss. 2, p. 235–237, 2012.
[Bibtex]@Article{vugdalic2012about, Author = {Ramiz Vugdalic and Fatih Destovic}, Title = {{About functional equation $f(st)=f(s)+f(t)$ ($s,t\in\mathbb R\setminus\{0\})$.}}, FJournal = {{Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute}}, Journal = {{Bull. Int. Math. Virtual Inst.}}, ISSN = {2303-4874; 1840-4367; 2303-4955/e}, Volume = {2}, Number = {2}, Pages = {235--237}, Year = {2012}, Publisher = {International Mathematical Virtual Institute (IMVI), Banja Luka}, Language = {English}, MSC2010 = {39B22 30D05} }
- E. Duvnjakovic and S. Karasuljic, “Difference scheme for semilinear reaction-diffusion problem on a mesh of Bakhvalov type,” Mathematica balkanica, vol. 25, Fasc. 5, p. 499–504, 2011.
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- M. Garic-Demirovic and M. Nurkanovic, “Dynamics of an anti-competitive two dimensional rational system of difference equations,” Sarajevo j. math, vol. 7, iss. 19, p. 39–56, 2011.
[Bibtex]@article{garic2011dynamics, title={Dynamics of an anti-competitive two dimensional rational system of difference equations}, author={Garic-Demirovic, M and Nurkanovic, M}, journal={Sarajevo J. Math}, volume={7}, number={19}, pages={39--56}, year={2011} }
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[Bibtex]@article{halilovic2010nonlinear, title={Nonlinear spectral theories and solvability of nonlinear {H}ammerstein equations}, author={Halilovic, Sanela}, journal={Mathematica Balkanica}, year={2010}, volume={24}, pages={321--327}, year={2010} }
- D. Burgić and M. Nurkanović, “The rational system of nonlinear difference equations in the modeling competitive populations.”
[Bibtex]@article{burgicrational, title={THE RATIONAL SYSTEM OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS IN THE MODELING COMPETITIVE POPULATIONS}, author={Burgi{\'c}, D{\v{z}}evad and Nurkanovi{\'c}, Mehmed} }